832 Production Lane




Dharmit Laxman is an Indian Portuguese Commercial Photographer currently based in Tanzania whose personal and commissioned projects combine to make a creative and an unalike piece of work. Working with a number of esteemed Hotels, Companies and Social Organisations, as well as exploring the untouched facets of Tanzania – such as its wildlife, tribes and cityscapes, Dharmit has photographed a wide segment of the Tanzanian society and beyond.

He has earned his Bachelors degree in Biochemistry in New York but it was incredibly frustrating for him to think of seeing the same people and the same four walls every day. He sat down and tried to come up with a life-­‐changing plan. Dharmit’s notion of practicing full time photography was not just based on a single vision, he wanted to be creative every single day he woke up, meet different people, see different things – almost as if it solved his dilemma.

Dharmit believes, “it is important to get input from the environment around you and continue to keep looking at the world. The difficult thing is not to come up with ideas but finding time and facilities to do anything with them.” That is why travel is such an important part of his life.

Dharmit’s photography focuses on Architecture and Interiors for the Hospitality Industry, Real Estate and Commercial Spaces, Food, Local and International Travels documenting cityscapes, landscapes and cultures around the world. Drone Photography and Cinematography is something he is really passionate about. In 2018, Dharmit ventured into making Cinematic Films for the Hospitality Industry as well as his own personal travel films which he hopes to do more of.

Dharmit is accompanied by his wife Jeetal Laxman who handles all the logistics and details of the shoot which leaves him focused purely on creating the required artworks for his clients.